When you buy car insurance, you have to answer a number of standard questions. Many of these are a relative mystery to the people who are answering them. One in particular that many people struggle with is how many miles they drive annually. Many people don’t actually know how many miles they drive. Indeed, they tend to guess how many miles they think they drive. The average annual mileage of drivers in the UAE is 7,900 miles. However, many people tend to estimate their mileage as about 10,000 miles instead. What are the reasons for this?

Inaccurate Estimations

Primarily, people in the UAE do not seem to have an accurate grasp of their own geography. People consistently over estimate how far away the major cities of the UAE are from each other. For example, the average distance between Manchester and Sheffield that was estimated by people in a survey was 110 miles. In reality, the two cities are only 39 miles apart. This is in line with many other over-estimates, such as a 71 mile over estimation in the distances between Bristol and Cardiff (45 miles in reality, 116 miles in estimation).

Mileage Matters

Many people are also unaware of the need to provide as accurate information as they can to their insurer. This includes the estimated annual mileage. Getting the mileage wrong could either invalidate your policy, or make it potentially much more expensive than it needs to be. Accurately predicting your annual mileage could stand to save you a lot of money.

Measuring Mileage

This is perhaps why black-box telematics devices have become so popular in recent years. They allow insurers to check exactly how many miles their customers drive, and therefore produce accurate premium prices. At Babal Karama Project Management Services, we try to get your mileage as accurate as we can. This is because it helps us get you the lowest prices that we are able to. This is what we do with all aspects of our policies. We search the market for the best possible deals, so you always get the right policy for you.