What is Shop Insurance?

If you run a shop, you face certain risks. If any of these risks were to happen, you could lose out financially. Shop Insurance is a specialised policy that covers you against the particular risks that shops face. This can include covering your buildings and contents, your shop’s stock and even covering you against unexpected business interruptions.

Do I Need Shop Insurance?

Shop Insurance is designed specifically for shops – that is, retail businesses working out of commercial buildings. Other businesses might need similar insurance – for example, restaurants or salons. However, shop insurance covers the specific things that are most relevant to shops.

What Can We Cover?

We cover the things that are most important to a shop. This boils down to four main aspects. Buildings Insurance covers the ‘fixed’ parts of your shop. This means the lights, the sinks and such. Contents Insurance covers the other elements of your shop – such as your furniture. Liability Insurance covers you for your legal liability. We can cover your employer’s liability (a legal requirement if you have employees), and your public liability for people visiting your shop.

What Can’t We Cover?

There are some things that we can’t cover. To make a claim for theft, the theft usually has to fit within certain definitions. A theft has to be by forced entry or violence. If you were to accidentally leave the window open, for example, you would not be able to claim under theft. Equally, you need to take all the sensible security precautions you can.

When you need Shop Insurance, work with us. At Ramaco Impex Insurance, we get to know you, and your business. We do this so that we can find out exactly what you need your shop insurance to do. We seek out the policies that are most suitable for you, and don’t waste your time with those that aren’t. Get a quote from us today.