Are Thatched Roofs Expensive to Insure?

Living in a thatch property

Thatched properties are homes filled with character and often found in picturesque rural villages. But are thatched roofs expensive to insure?

Aside from the beautiful aesthetics, there are other benefits to living in a thatched property. For example, they offer better insulation, the roofs last longer when taken care of correctly, and looking great, there are some downsides too.

If you live in a thatch roof property, then you know that it faces its own challenges. These are things you may not need to consider with a standard construction home. Firstly, the upkeep can be costly compared to homes with slate or tiled roofs. Additionally, you may face more costly premiums due to a few factors.


Are thatch roofs expensive to insure?

Although thatched properties do have higher premiums, they aren’t necessarily expensive. Here are a few reasons why thatched property insurance can be higher:

The rebuild costs will be higher – The rebuilding of a thatch property requires certain skills and specialist materials. As a result, the rebuilding of a thatch property can be more expensive than a standard home.

Fire risk is higher – the vegetation used to create thatched roofs are considerably more flammable than standard tiles and slate. This means they have a greater risk of catching fire, and for the fire to spread more quickly.


Insurance requirements for thatched properties

Because of these risks, you will need to source specific insurance for your property. These will come at a higher premium because the risks above lead it to a great likelihood of a claim being made, and when a claim is made it is higher than average.

In addition to this, there may be other requirements from your insurance company. For example, they may require your chimney to be a certain height. This is because the higher it is above the thatch room the less likely it is to cause a fire.  In addition, some insurers will exclude other risks such as log fires to reduce the risk of a claim.

Using a broker like ourselves means we can search the market for you for the best cover at low prices. We have access to a wide range of insurers who specialise in products for properties with thatched roofs.

If you have any questions about thatched property insurance, or need to get a quote, we can help.

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