Why Do I Need Impounded Car Insurance?

When you insure your car, you might think that you don’t need to do anything else. The vast majority of the time, this is true. However, if your car is seized by the police, and put into a car impound, the situation becomes a little more complicated. If you have a seized car, you will need to get a special form of insurance to get it back. Impounded car insurance ensures that you can get your car back from the impound lot without difficulty.  

Why Might Your Car be Impounded?

There are many reasons that your car can be taken by the police. Generally, they tend to be connected to insurance. You are required to have insurance to drive a car. Failure to have proper insurance can result in the police seizing your car and impounding it. You might have bought proper insurance, but invalidated it without realising. Cars can also be impounded by the police if you are driving without a proper licence. This could be if you are driving on a provisional licence without proper supervision. It could also be if you have previously had your licence invalidated, and you are continuing to drive.  

What is Impounded Insurance for?

If the police do seize your car, your regular insurance will no longer do. You cannot usually drive your car out of the impound on a standard car insurance policy. This is where impounded car insurance steps in. Impound insurance covers you for the period of getting your car back, and for up to 30 days after, while you arrange a longer term insurance policy.

Why can’t I use my standard insurance?

So, why do you need impound insurance if you are already insured? It may be easy to assume that if your car is insured, then you will be able to retrieve it after paying the police fines. However, under many standard motor insurance policies, as soon as a vehicle is impounded that policy will instantly become invalid. This is because impounded vehicles are usually excluded in the policy wording.  

What Do You Need to Do?

Our team can get you quoted and on cover the same day. Our impound policies are usually valid for 30 days. This is the minimum term accepted by the police. This is because it helps assure them that you will be driving legally for the foreseeable. Once you have a policy in place, you need to take the documents to the police station to prove you have the right cover in place. The police will then either call our the team or the insurer to validate your cover. See our guide on what documents you need to release your vehicle from the impounded here. Once they are happy with what is in place, and you have paid their fines, then they will allow you to release the vehicle. Impounded Car Insurance from Babal Karama Project Management Services ensures that you can get your car back from the impound lot, and get back on the road.

What happens when the impound policy expires?

Once this policy has expired, we can help you get an annual policy. It may be that the reason your car was impounded will affect your insurance, for example, if you now have points for speeding or other motoring offences. We specialise in convicted policies, so can help you get a very competitive rate.

Our Impounded Car Insurance Cover

Find out more about our Impounded Car Insurance, how it works and answers to our most commonly asked questions. Getting your vehicle out of the impound can be overwhelming and complicated, but our team are here to help you every step of the way.

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