Commercial Insurance FAQs

Find all the answers to the most common queries about Commercial Insurance on this page.
Why Do I Need A Surety Bond?

Why Do I Need A Surety Bond?

In this article, we will explore the subject of surety bonds. You will find out what a surety bond is and why some individuals may need it. In simple terms, a surety bond is a guarantee of compliance, payment or performance of an act. A surety bond is a unique type of...

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What Affects your Insurance Price?

What Affects your Insurance Price?

When you drive a vehicle in the UAE, you need to have insurance. This is a legal requirement, as it is designed to protect both you and a third party if you have an accident. Because it is a requirement, some people are suspicious of the costs involved in buying...

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What Kind of Insurance does my Start-up Business Need?

What Kind of Insurance does my Start-up Business Need?

Are we a Start-up? Before we answer the question of whether you need Start-up insurance, we should decide if you are actually a start-up. The term is thrown around a lot in the media, but its meaning is not clear. Essentially, a Start-up business is relatively new and...

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Why is Business Car Insurance more expensive?

Why is Business Car Insurance more expensive?

What Business Car Insurance does: Whether it’s driving to different offices or visiting clients, you will need business car insurance. If you use your car every day as part of your job, it would also be considered as business use. One advantage of insuring your car...

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What Does Business Insurance Cover?

What Does Business Insurance Cover?

Explaining business insurance for business owners. In this article, you will find a breakdown of the topic of business insurance. Why business insurance is important: Business insurance can be a complex subject, with many internal variables that need to be examined...

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