Motor Insurance FAQs

Find all the answers to the most common queries about Motor Insurance on this page.
What to do if you’re in an accident

What to do if you’re in an accident

Being in an accident can be scary, and many are unsure of what they are supposed to do after. We outline our top tips on what to do if you are in an accident.   Stop No matter how minor the incident, you should always try and stop if it is safe to do so. If you...

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Why is Business Car Insurance more expensive?

Why is Business Car Insurance more expensive?

What Business Car Insurance does: Whether it’s driving to different offices or visiting clients, you will need business car insurance. If you use your car every day as part of your job, it would also be considered as business use. One advantage of insuring your car...

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Why are car insurance prices rising?

Why are car insurance prices rising?

Why are car insurance prices rising? At Babal Karama Project Management Services, we have conversations every day with our clients about why are their car insurance prices rising. Many are asking the same question with little understanding as to why they are paying so much....

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Why Cars Are Impounded

Why Cars Are Impounded

Thousands of cars are seized every year across the UAE and there many reasons why cars are impounded. These vehicles are taken from the driver and placed in an impound until the driver has the correct impounded car insurance to release it. Here are the reasons why cars...

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Car Insurance FAQs Answered

Car Insurance FAQs Answered

As it is such an infrequent purchase, many people have a lot of questions about car insurance. We have answered what we think are the five most important car insurance FAQs together to help you get the most out of your car insurance.   1. Does my policy allow me...

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