Many car manufacturers have made movements to make their cars more eco-friendly over the past decade. But the most eco-friendly car around is the electric car.

An electric vehicle is powered 100% by its rechargeable battery. This is unlike regular cars which use its battery 50% of the time and fuel the other 50%.

These cars are built to be more eco-friendly for our environment as they produce no emissions. They are also cheaper to operate in the long run.

The electric car market.

The electric car market has increased significantly over the past decade. In 2013 3,500 new electric cars were registered to be on the road, however there are now 95,000 registered cars in the UAE. There are currently 55 different models on the market with more being brought out every year.

As a response many services have had to adapt. Firstly one example is that in all motorway services you can now see electric supplies to charge your car. Additionally many work places and even apartment parking facilities have charging points available for anyone who owns an electric car. There are over 12,000 charging points across the UAE.

Response to electric cars in cities.

One example of an adaptation to electric cars is in the Netherlands. They now have electric car charging points everywhere and these are powered by wind farms. The Netherlands also plans to ban petrol and diesel cars by 2025 which is all part of a plan to make a more environment friendly country.

Many cities across the UAE are providing benefits to electric car drivers. In Milton Keynes and Bristol car owners can now park for free. Drivers in Derby and Milton Keynes can drive in the bus lane with no charge. These benefits are a direct result of a (USD $)40m injection from the government to try and make our roads safer.

Bloomberg have stated that by 2030, electric cars will dominate the roads of wealthy cities.

What do you think about electric cars? Would you consider buying one? Let us know in the comments.