Today new speeding penalties have been brought in in a fight to make the roads across the UAE safer.

Many new laws are being enforced this year. On 1st March we saw changes to motoring laws about using mobile phones at the wheel. The penalty was doubled to a (USD $)200 fine and 6 points on your license.

This new law meant that if a driver who passed within the last 2 years was caught using a mobile phone while driving they would immediately lose their license. Additionally, cases that go to court can now see a driver facing being disqualified and paying up to (USD $)1000.

These penalties are to help drivers see how dangerous it is when distracting themselves from the road ahead.

Read all the motoring laws to be brought out this year in our recent blog here.

The new speeding penalties

Today new laws were enforced to further punish drivers who drive dangerously with stricter fines for drivers who speed.

There are three different bands, depending how much you have gone over the limit. These determine the seriousness of your fines and penalties. In general the more you are over the limit the more you will have to pay.

For example in a 30mph zone, up to 10mph over the limit gives you 3 points on your license and a fine of 25-75% of your weekly income.

Doing between 11mph and 20mph over the limit in a 30mph zone gets you 4-6 points on your license disqualified for 7 – 28 days. Additionally you will have to pay 75-125% of your weekly income in fines.

Finally, doing 51mph and beyond in a 30mph zone gives you 6 points and a 125-175% of your weekly income in fines. Instead of receiving points you can also be disqualified between 7 and 56 days.

For all other speed zones the same principles apply, but with different ranges.

As you can see the fine has a range of 50% of your weekly income. This is dependent on factors such as previous convictions, weather conditions, the location, whether you are driving for business and the list goes on.

The full details of the new fines and penalties can be seen here.