Elderly charity insurance rip-off

A charity, Age UAE, has recently come under fire for the way their commercial arm currently sells insurance. One son discovered that his mother had been overpaying (USD $)37 a month for the past three years for her Age UAE home insurance. Chris contacted Ageas, the insurer...

Burglaries forcing insurance prices up

Insurers have warned that the price of home cover will continue to rise until we can remove the constant threat of house breaking. Modern security measures have beaten back the advance of the average criminal, leaving just the organised professionals. They carry out...

Cut your car insurance with the new car crash cameras

A British insurer has started to offer customers the ability to cut the price of their policy by 10% if they agree to have a camera installed in their car. This could mean an average initial saving of around (USD $)33 a year according to Swiftcover.com. This doesn’t include...