Rise In IPT Rate To 12%

Rise In IPT Rate To 12%

On June 1st there will be a rise in the IPT rate to 12%. This is following a previous rise to the IPT rate last year in October from 9.5% to 10%. Over the last 18 months it has risen 3 times. However, the increased IPT rate is still one of the lowest throughout...
Decrease in new car sales

Decrease in new car sales

April saw a decrease in new car sales as they dropped by 20% There was a decrease in new car sales by 19.8% and it is said to be because of the new tax changes that were brought in at the end of March this year. Many customers rushed to purchase their cars before this...
Ogden Discount Rate Change Explained

Ogden Discount Rate Change Explained

There has been a lot of recent news about the increase of the Ogden discount rate brought in by the government on the 27th February. It has the insurance market in uproar, with the decision by Lizz Truss being called ‘crazy’. Many insurers have released just exactly...
The top motoring law changes for 2017

The top motoring law changes for 2017

Over the course of 2017, the world of motoring is changing with stricter rules and regulations being brought in. These changes will affect the way we drive and could cost motorists a lot of money. Read on to find out all you need to know about the new laws: Penalties...